{ MANA } 

In Portuguese, Sister, Sis.


To emanate yourself. Dispersing into particles; releasing, exhaling. To shine, to glow, to take flight. Unravel, unlock, surrender. To dive in, to laugh, and perhaps to shed a tear. To allow the body to liberate itself or quietly experience its beautiful silence.

Emanarse, originally born as eMANArse, unfolds as a safe space-time to explore the uncharted territories of our bodies. It serves as a sturdy yet malleable vessel navigating us towards our authentic creativity, often dulled by judgments, fears, and the societal expectations imposed by a work-centric and patriarchal world. Emanarse is a community offering that challenges the notions of 'right and wrong', encourages creativity access-expansion, and invites the reinvention of realities through the expressive arts of the body.

Through Theatre, Dance-Theatre, Performance Art, and Movement Research, our community initiatives span a diverse array of projects, courses, and workshops.

Welcome to a space where self-discovery becomes art, and each journey is a navigation into the unique stories our bodies long to tell.



Silvia is a performance artist, Performative Arts teacher, and artistic director, with a postgraduate degree in Performance Art and Movement. Raised in a family of Physical Educators, her fascination with the body's potential led her to delve into experimental research.

Since 2003, she has immersed herself in Performance Art, Butoh, Dance-Theatre, and clowning, learning from teachers worldwide. Her focus shifted to exploring womanhood and challenging patriarchal structures during her Theatre degree from 2007 onward.

Driven by a passion for the decolonizing power of Performative Arts, Silvia Andrade founded Emanarse, a project aimed at unraveling individual journeys through body and movement. Through Emanarse Labs, her Performance Art evolved into collaborative, healing work with other women, collectively exploring the process of becoming.

Silvia sees this endeavor as a collective journey, brimming with possibilities yet to be uncovered.


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